
Exoplanets and Planet Formation
In this burgeoning field of astronomy, we hunt for solar systems around other stars in our galaxy. In addition, we study how solar systems and planets are formed.
Research Faculty
We study the formation and development of galaxies using the latest observations from some of the newest and most powerful instruments available.
Research Faculty
Whether to witness meteors entering our atmosphere or to view the Universe in new ways, we develop state-of-the-art instruments to achieve our goals.
Research Faculty
ISM & Circumstellar Material
To study the complex dynamical systems of the ISM or the circumstellar material surrounding massive stars, we use innovative computational modeling techniques.
Research Faculty
Scientific Computing
The study of algorithms and their implementations for computations involving mathematical symbols as well as numbers.
Research Faculty
Solar System
Our Western Meteor Physics Group focuses on studying the interaction of small Solar System bodies with the Earth using a variety of observational techniques.
Research Faculty
Star Formation
We have particular expertise at Western in theoretical and computational methods for modeling interstellar gas dynamics and star formation.
Research Faculty
From dusty atmospheres to magnetic fields, we research various properties of the stars in our Galaxy.
Research Faculty
- Shantanu Basu
- Jan Cami
- Richard Holt
- Martin Houde
- Sarah Gallagher
- Carol Jones
- John Landstreet
- Stanimir Metchev
- Els Peeters
- Aaron Sigut
Applying complex theoretical methods with increasingly powerful computers allow us to tackle some of the major problems in astrophysics.