EDI-D: Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Decolonization

Physics & Astronomy Values and Ethics Statement

The Physics & Astronomy Department at Western University aspires to be an equitable, diverse, inclusive and decolonized environment free of discrimination and harassment, where all members of the community are treated with dignity and respect. Everyone should be able to work, learn, teach and do science in a safe environment, regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, age, ethnicity, race, Indigenous status, or religion.

All members of the community, including faculty, students, staff, associates and visitors, are expected to adhere to the following guidelines.

  1. The P&A Department expects professional, kind, supportive, responsible and humane behaviour from everyone. This includes offering help if you see someone struggling, reaching out to a person to check in, listening to criticism, addressing biases and microaggressions, acknowledging mistakes and apologizing, being polite, and managing conflicts and disagreements with others in a respectful way.
  2. The P&A Department will not tolerate behaviour that is harassing, discriminatory or illegal. This includes, in no particular order of severity or impact: verbal and physical aggression, harassment including sexual harassment, humiliation, intimidation, insulting another person; making sexist, racist or exclusionary jokes and comments about someone; acting on assumptions about a person’s gender, country of origin, level of knowledge, marital status, disability; irresponsible consumption/use of alcohol or drugs.

In general, in case of non-respect of the guidelines in this code, there are several options. You can do any one or more of the following:

Members of the EDI-D committee will uphold strict confidentiality and may  confidentially provide resources or information but do not have the authority or responsibility to intervene in situations. Departmental leadership will uphold strict confidentiality in the event any student, staff, researcher, or faculty member reports an incident to them, and involve only those in the university who are in an actionable position. These can include the HRO and Human Resources. Consultation will adhere to Western’s policies and procedures. You can reach out to individuals in the EDI-D committee or departmental leadership in person, or set up a meeting with any of them by contacting them on their Western email.

Note that Western’s Policy for Non-Discrimination/Harassment/Sexual Misconduct (MAPP 1.35) requires that all Academic Leaders (Deans/Chairs/Associate Chairs, etc.) involve the HRO in any unit-based attempts at resolving or mediating potential harassment. All members of the Western community are required to uphold the Policy and its procedures , which includes reporting to the HRO any instances of discrimination, harassment, or misconduct as described in the Policy.

The Gender Based Violence & Sexual Violence Policy (MAPP 1.52) and Safe Campus Community Policy (MAPP 1.46) also contain directions for reporting.

If your safety is threatened or someone else’s safety is threatened, or if you learn that a member of the community is a victim or a perpetrator of violence, please contact the Western Campus Safety and Emergency Services ( 519-661-3300 ) or call 911 from any campus telephone.


Committee Members


Shantanu Basu (Chair), basu@uwo.ca 
Gonca Erdemci Tandogan, gerdemci@uwo.ca 
Sarah Gallagher, sgalla4@uwo.ca 
Amir Mirzaei, amir.mirzaei@uwo.ca 
Alexei Ouriadov, aouriado@uwo.ca 


Nirosh Getangama, ngetanga@uwo.ca 


Hannah Christie, hchris2@uwo.ca


Nika Ghasimi, nghasimi@uwo.ca 
Merdeka Miles, mmiles24@uwo.ca 
Malavika Nair, mnair6@uwo.ca 
Andrew Stevenson, rsteve33@uwo.ca 

Recent and Upcoming Events

Feb 1, 2024 Undergraduate mentorship event
Mar 1, 2024 Diversi-tea event
Mar 17, 2024 Graduate student EDI-D discussion
Jun 21, 2024 Pizza & Perspectives event
Sep 26, 2024 EDI-D Seminar
Sep 27, 2024 Graduate Student EDI-D Workshop


Special issue of Physics in Canada focused on EDI: https://pic-pac.cap.ca/
Canadian Astronomical Society (CASCA) list of EDI resources: https://casca.ca/?page_id=17441
Western Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion:  https://www.edi.uwo.ca/