Colin Denniston, Professor

Contact Information
Office: PAB 230
Tel: (519) 661-2111 x88791
Personal web page
Research Areas
Soft Condensed Matter Physics, Complex Fluids, Granular matter, Theory and simulation of micro and nano-fluidic devices, Developing numerical methods and analytical techniques to study the above
Research Interests
My research focuses on modelling particles and dynamic processes in complex fluids. My group studies systems involving micro- and nano-scale objects, soft colloids or polymers for instance, in a complex fluid such as a liquid crystal. An important aspect of our work is the development of models and multi-scale computer simulation techniques to investigate these systems.
Representative Publications
- Afrasiabian, N., Balasubramanian, V., Denniston, C. “Dispersion and orientation patterns in nanorod-infused polymer melts” (2023) Journal of Chemical Physics, 158 (5), art. no. 54902. DOI:10.1063/5.0122174
- Schöller, L., Nestler, B., Denniston, C. “Modeling of a two-stage polymerization considering glass fibre sizing using molecular dynamics” (2022) Nanoscale Advances, 5 (1), pp. 106-118. DOI:10.1039/d2na00562j
- Mozafar, O., Denniston, C. “Effects of structural inhomogeneity on equilibration processes in Langevin dynamics” (2022) Physical Review E, 105 (5), art. no. 064109. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevE.105.064109
- Denniston, C., Afrasiabian, N., Cole-André, M.G., Mackay, F.E., Ollila, S.T.T., Whitehead, T. “LAMMPS lb/fluid fix version 2: Improved hydrodynamic forces implemented into LAMMPS through a lattice-Boltzmann fluid” (2022) Computer Physics Communications, 275, art. no. 108318. DOI:10.1016/j.cpc.2022.108318
Physics 3400: Intro to Thermal Physics
Physics 3200: Quantum Mechanics I
Physics 4251: Quantum Mechanics II
Scientific Computing 9595: Parallel Programming with MPI
Physics 3400: Intro to Thermal Physics
Physics 3200: Quantum Mechanics I
Physics 4251: Quantum Mechanics II
Scientific Computing 9595: Parallel Programming with MPI
Professional Activities
- Undergraduate Chair, Department of Physics & Astronomy, 2022-
- Member of NSERC Physics Evaluation Panel 2015-2018