Shantanu Basu, Professor

Contact Information
Office: PAB 258Tel: (519) 661-2111 x86706
Personal web page
Book - Essential Astrophysics
Research Areas
Theoretical AstrophysicsStar Formation
Planet and Brown Dwarf Formation
Circumstellar Disk Evolution
Computational Gas Dynamics
Research Interests
Look up in the sky on a clear night and away from man-made lights and you will see one of life's great marvels. Hundreds of stars and perhaps a few bright planets as well. How did the the stars and planets in our universe come to be? An equally amazing feature of our universe is the ability of mathematics to make some sense of it all. In our research group, we are deciphering the early stages of star formation, using the mathematical methods of physics and today's leading-edge computers.
- Kadam, K., Vorobyov, E., and Basu, S., “Primordial dusty rings and episodic outbursts in protoplanetary discs”, MNRAS 516, pp. 4448–4468, 2022. doi:10.1093/mnras/stac2455.
- Bino, G., et al. “Synthetic Polarization Maps of an Outflow Zone from Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations”, ApJ, 936, 1, 2022. doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac7c0f.
- Das, I. and Basu, S., “A semi-analytical model for the temporal evolution of the episodic disc-to-star accretion rate during star formation”, MNRAS 514, pp. 5659–5672, 2022. doi:10.1093/mnras/stac1654.
- Auddy, S., Basu, S., and Kudoh, T., “The Magnetic Field versus Density Relation in Star-forming Molecular Clouds”, ApJ, 928, 1, 2022. doi:10.3847/2041-8213/ac5a5a.
- Bino, G., Basu, S., Sharkawi, M., and Das, I., “Hourglass magnetic field from a survey of current density profiles”, New Astronomy, 90, 2022. doi:10.1016/j.newast.2021.101667.
Astronomy 4602: Gravitation and Cosmology
Physics 1101: Introduction to Physics I
Astronomy 9610: Fundamentals of Astrophysics
Astronomy 9707: Star Formation
- Faculty of Science Outreach Award, 2010 (awarded to entire Astronomy Group)
- Faculty Scholar 2007-2009
Professional Activities
- Chair, CITA National Council, 2022-2024
- Chair, Western Physics and Astronomy, 2010 - 2015
- Director, Western Theoretical Physics Program, 2008-2010
- Member, Canadian Astronomical Society, Awards Committee Chair, 2002-2003
- Member, American Astronomical Society
- Member, International Astronomical Union
- Chair, Scientific Organizing Committee, Magnetic Fields: Cloud Cores to Young Stellar Object, May 2010
- Chair, Scientific Organizing Committee, From Protostellar Disks to Planetary Systems, May 2006