Science Internship Program

Student working in lab The Department of Physics and Astronomy at Western University recognizes the need for hands-on research opportunities outside of class and is proud to facilitate paid, career-related placements, for qualified students who will work full-time for 8 to 16 months, following the third year of study. As with a traditional co-op degree, graduation is delayed by one year while the student acquires marketable skills and work experience.

The total number of placements per year will vary based on the individual needs of participating employers.



Physics and Astronomy's Student Association (PASA)

Physics and Astronomy's Student Association The Physics and Astronomy Student Association consists of undergraduate students in 2nd year and above in the Physics or Astronomy programs at Western. Our purpose is to enhance the undergraduate student experience through organizing numerous social events, actively seeking to recruit more students to the program, providing services to first-years, and being active in physics outreach.




Physics Undergraduate Conference (PhUnC)

PhUnC card being held in hand Every year PASA hosts a Physics Undergraduate Conference (otherwise known as PhUnC) that gives undergraduates from across the province the opportunity to share their research through mini-talks and poster sessions.

Who is invited? Undergraduate students present their work on a summer research project, honors thesis, or any physics topic of interest, including interdisciplinary physics research. The conference includes nearby universities in Southwestern Ontario and across the border.



Student Experience

Students around table in Astronomy Building

Student experience offers a wide variety of services to students through Sport & Recreation, Leadership & Learning, and Wellness & Wellbeing. These resources will help you navigate the joys and challenges of being a student.

Be sure to explore the experiential learning (EL) opportunities highlighted as well. Through practical hands-on learning experiences, apply your knowledge, strengthen skills, and clarify interests to strengthen your employability and collaborate meaningfully with communities.

Learn more about internships, community-engaged learning, simulation, field experience, and the many other forms of experiential learning at Western.

Western International

Jan Cami walking toward Physics Building Students come from countries all over the world to study at Western. For complete information on the student exchange, funding opportunities, policies, and application procedures, please visit see the Western International site. Western International also hosts a number of student activities, groups, and services through the International and Exchange Student Centre.


Faculty of Science Care Zone

Care Zone Logo

The Science Care Zone program was introduced to create a network of support for staff, students, faculty in all Science and Basic Medical Science Departments. No wrong door? No wrong department! Remember Block Parent? Care Zone is our idea of the Block Parent Program.

Dedicated team members from each department have volunteered to be the Care Zone representative in their area. Care Zone reps provide a safe, confidential place for information exchange, referral services, and crisis support. Students, Staff, and Faculty like dealing with and feel comfortable with their own departments so it seemed logical to bring the information to the departments. Although Care Zones are for anyone in need not just those of the department they are in. Care Zone Reps are equipped with information, key contact people, and crisis numbers.



Equity Diversity and Inclusion and Decolonization

PhUnC card being held in hand The Physics & Astronomy Department at Western University aspires to be an equitable, diverse, inclusive and decolonized environment free of discrimination and harassment, where all members of the community are treated with dignity and respect. Everyone should be able to work, learn, teach and do science in a safe environment, regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, age, ethnicity, race, Indigenous status, or religion.