Adjunct Faculty

Martin Connors

Martin Connors 

Adjunct Research Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: aurora, impacts and dynamics of asteroids, craters on Earth and Venus, Technology in Science Education
Athabasca University
(800) 269-4730
Auriane Egal

Auriane Egal

Adjunct Research Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Meteoroid stream modelling
Planétarium de Montréal
Matthew Fox

Matthew Fox

Adjunct Research Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Positron Emission Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Health Physics, Science to Industry
Lawson Health Research Institute, Physics and Astronomy Department
519-646-6100 x61569
Marcial Garbanzo Salas

Marcial Garbanzo Salas

Adjunct Research Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Tropospheric applications of radars and remote sensing. High resolution atmospheric studies and simulations. Education in applied meteorology.
Biography: Research Scientist
Centre for Geophysical Research, University of Costa Rica, San Jose
+ 506 8473 9762
Alexander Haefele

Alexander Haefele 

Adjunct Research Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Atmospheric / Climate Science
Biography: Head of Remote Sensing Group, MeteoSwiss
MeteoSwiss - Payerne, Switzerland
+41 26 662 63 41

External link
Heng-Yong Nie

Heng-Yong Nie 

Adjunct Research Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Scanning probe microscopy
Biography: Research Scientist
Surface Science Western, 999CC LL31
(519) 661-2111 x86734

External link
Gunter Stober

Gunter Stober

Adjunct Research Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Remote sensing, Middle atmosphere dynamics, Solar cycle effects and long term changes of the middle atmosphere, Meteor Earth Environment
University of Bern, Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research
+41 31 631 50 49

External link
Sree Ram Valluri

Sree Ram Valluri 

Adjunct Research Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Gravitational Waves
PAB 271
(519) 661-2111 x86499

External link
Denis Vida

Denis Vida

Adjunct Research Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Meteor physics
PAB 244