Lisa Schielicke, Assistant Professor

Contact Information
Office: PAB 120
Tel: (519) 661-2111 x87770
Research Areas
Atmospheric physics, multi-scale vortex dynamics, atmospheric blocking and impacts, severe weather, climate change, boundary-layer processes with respect to wind engineering
Research Interests
My research deals with vortex dynamics at different scales ranging from thunderstorms to large-scale atmospheric blocking and its relation to point vortex models using numerical and theoretical approaches. I am also interested in the impacts of these vortices such as tornadoes, flash floods and heatwaves in recent and future climate. Further research topics include atmospheric boundary-layer processes in the context of wind engineering and the relation of the Covid-19 pandemic, social activity and weather parameters.
Schielicke, L., Li, Y., Schyns, J., Sperschneider, A., Solano Marchini, J. P., and Gatzen, C. P.: Meeting summary: Exploring cloud dynamics with Cloud Model 1 and 3D visualization – insights from a university modeling workshop, Weather Clim. Dynam., 5, 703–710, , 2024.
Pacey, G., Pfahl, S., Schielicke, L., and Wapler, K.: The climatology and nature of warm-season convective cells in cold-frontal environments over Germany, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 3703–3721, , 2023.
Schielicke, L. and Pfahl, S.: European heatwaves in present and future climate simulations: a Lagrangian analysis, Weather Clim. Dynam., 3, 1439–1459, , 2022.
Klein, R., Schielicke, L., Pfahl, S. and Khouider, B.: QG–DL–Ekman: Dynamics of a Diabatic Layer in the Quasi-Geostrophic Framework. J. Atmos. Sci., 79, 887–905,, 2022.
Detring, C., Müller, A., Schielicke, L., Névir, P., and Rust, H. W.: Occurrence and transition probabilities of omega and high-over-low blocking in the Euro-Atlantic region, Weather Clim. Dynam., 2, 927–952, , 2021.
Physics 1102B: Introduction to Physics II
- Teaching Award of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Bonn, 2022
- Heino-Tooming-Award for excellent scientific work on severe storms in European collaborations for the contribution: C. Gatzen, M. Kreitz, S. Leprince, L. Schielicke, M. Rabrenovic, and S. Enno: "Combined analysis of severe convective wind gusts in European data sets", 9th European Conference on Severe Storms, Pula, Croatia, 2017