Eugene Wong, Professor

Contact Information
Office: PAB 233
Tel: (519) 661-2111 x80419
Personal web page
Medical Physics overview
Centre for Translational Cancer Research
London Regional Cancer Program
Biomedical Imaging Research Centre
Robarts Research Institute
Medical Physics overview
Research Areas
Radiaton Oncology
Pre-clinical imaging and radiotherapy
Molecular radiation biology
Research Interests
I am especially interested in the following areas of cancer research:
- Pre-clinical imaging and radiotherapy (Foster, Thiessen, Chen)
- Normal tissue complications and tumour dose-response relationships (Turley, Lock)
- Brain metastases (Hebb, Foster, Bauman, Laba)
- Iredale, E., Voigt, B., Rankin, A., Kim, K.W., Chen, J.Z., Schmid, S., Hebb, M.O., Peters, T.M., Wong, E. “Planning system for the optimization of electric field delivery using implanted electrodes for brain tumor control” (2022) Medical Physics, 49 (9), pp. 6055-6067. DOI:10.1002/mp.15825
- Lock, M., Chow, R., Jayatilaka, A., Plotnick, M., Stephens, R., Nguyen, T., Fisher, B., Wong, E., Gaede, S. “Does stereotactic body radiation improve outcomes compared to conventional radiation for liver cancer patients?” (2022) Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology, 35, pp. 17-20. DOI:10.1016/j.ctro.2022.04.002
- Badiuk, S.R., Thiessen, J.D., Maleki Vareki, S., Foster, P.J., Chen, J.Z., Wong, E. “Glial activation positron emission tomography imaging in radiation treatment of breast cancer brain metastases” (2022) Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology, 21, pp. 115-122. DOI:10.1016/j.phro.2022.02.016
- Iredale, E., Deweyert, A., Hoover, D.A., Chen, J.Z., Schmid, S., Hebb, M.O., Peters, T.M., Wong, E. “Optimization of multi-electrode implant configurations and programming for the delivery of non-ablative electric fields in intratumoral modulation therapy (2020) Medical Physics, 47 (11), pp. 5441-5454. DOI:10.1002/mp.14496
Physics 1201: Physics for the Sciences I
Physics 4672: Radiological Physics
Physics 9665: Radiological Physics
- Western Faculty of Science Award of Excellence for Undergraduate Teaching, 2022
- Western Faculty Scholars Award, 2010