Francesca Vidotto, Assistant Professor
Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Foundation of Physics

Contact Information
Office: PAB 210 and WIRB 7140
Tel: (519) 661-2111 x81423
Philosophy Department webpage
Rotman Institute webpage Personal web page
Research Areas
Loop Quantum GravityCosmology
Foundations of Physics
Research Interests
At the frontier of fundamental physics there is the problem of combining quantum theory and Einstein’s General Relativity. My research focuses on Loop Quantum Gravity, currently the most-developed non-perturbative theory of quantum gravity. This allows to study the domains where quantum gravity is expected to play a significant role, such as for black holes and for the primordial universe.
In the Quantum Gravity research group at Western this research is pursued in an interdisciplinary manner, tackling together questions related to the mathematical structure of the theory, the development of new numerical methods, the phenomenological aspects, and the philosophical questions that the theory raises. Our goal is to develop new theoretical tools that could lead us to understand the quantum aspects of space and time and connect the theory with observations.
Current Projects
- Spinfoam cosmology and spacetime emergence
- Derivation of primordial fluctuations from Loop Quantum Gravity
- Bouncing cosmologies with primordial black holes
Black Holes
- Analytical and numerical study of black-to-white hole transitions
- Astrophysical phenomenology of quantum effects in black holes
- Properties of Planckian remnants
- Quantum Information in Quantum Gravity
- Thermodynamics of the quantum gravitational field
- Equivalence between gauge, boundaries, partitions
- Covariant Loop Quantum Gravity (with Carlo Rovelli) An elementary introduction to Quantum Gravity and Spinfoam Theory. Cambridge University Press, 2014.
Recent Publications
- Sina Kazemian, Mateo Pascual, Carlo Rovelli, Francesca Vidotto. "Diffuse emission from black hole remnants" (2023) Class. Quantum Grav. 40 087001
- Pietropaolo Frisoni, Francesco Gozzini, Francesca Vidotto. “Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods for graph refinement in Spinfoam Cosmology” (2023) Class. Quantum Grav. 40 105001
- Francesco Gozzini, Francesca Vidotto. “Primordial Fluctuations From Quantum Gravity” (2021) Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 7 629466
Complete Publication List:
Currently offered:
Astronomy 2022B: Origin of the Universe
Philosophy 2310G: Philosophy of Physics
Other courses taught:
Philosophy 9703A/4311F: Women and Science
Applied Mathematics 2811B: Linear Algebra II
Graduate Courses:
Currently offered:
Physics 9204A: Quantum Gravity
Other courses taught:
Philosophy 9703A/4311F: Women and Science
Applied Mathematics 9625B: Introduction to General Relativity
- Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Foundation of Physics, 2021
- NVH Jubilee Prize awarded by the Network of Female Professors to the most talented young female scientist at Radboud University Nijmegen, 2015
- Veni Fellowship awarded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), 2014
- Rubicon Fellowship awarded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), 2012
Professional Activities
- Editorial Board - Foundation of Physics
- Founding Editor - Quantum