Space Day @ Western - summary and photos

The Centre for Planetary Science and Exploration (CPSX) held its 2nd annual Space Day @ Western celebration on Monday, 4 Apr 2016.
Acting CPSX Director Ken McIsaac warmly welcomed the speakers and the audience to the event, being held in PAB 100.
Acting CPSX Assistant Director Jan Cami introduced keynote speaker Dr. Stefanie Milam of NASAs Goddard Space Flight Centre. Stefanie gave a presentation titled, "Searching for our Molecular Origins in Space through Astrochemistry", and also added a fascinating update, with great images and video, on the James Webb Space Telescope, which is set to launch in late 2018.
Following the keynote presentation, the audience heard short research presentations from an elite group of researchers.
The research speakers were:
- Tanya Harrison - "Thermal Inertia of Gully Fans on Mars as a Marker for Recent Activity"
- Matt Shannon - "Auto exhaust along the Milky Way"
- Dr. Haley Sapers - "Beyond the Catastrophe: Life after impact"
- Jon Kissi - "Geological Formation Reconstruction - a stereo vision perspective"
- William Zylberman - "Did a double impact happened 270 Ma ago in Québec?"
- Tiffany Ensor - "A Principal Component Analysis of Diffuse Interstellar Bands
- Danny Bednar - "Current State of Orbital Debris Politics"
Following the talks, everyone adjourned to the Physics and Astronomy building atrium for a reception and to view student research posters.