CAMBR Distinguished Lecture and Research Showcase 2015

Professor Gregory D. Scholes
The Centre for Advanced Materials and Biomaterials Research (CAMBR) at Western held the 2015 Distinguished Lecture and Research Showcase on Monday, April 27, 2015.
The day began at Conron Hall with the keynote lecture given by Professor Gregory D. Scholes of Princeton University. His presentation was titled "Photosynthetic light harvesting and ultrafast energy transfer".
Three sessions of oral presentations were followed by a reception and poster presentations in the atrium of the Physics and Astronomy building.
The Department of Physics and Astronomy was well represented during the course of the event.
Photoessay of Physics and Astronomy presentations.

Presenter: Jaewoo Park
Research Paper: "Synthesis of graphene nanoribbon thin films from graphene ridges decorated with copper nanoparticles" by Jaewoo Park, Arash Akbari-Sharbaf, Sabastine Ezugwu, Reg Bauld ,Giovanni Fanchini.

Presenter: Ruiping Ge
Research Paper: "Efficiency enhancement of Si solar cells enabled by growth of lateral Si wire" by Ruiping Ge, Sergey N. Dedyulin, Shuyu Ding, Winnie Ye, Lyudmila V. Goncharova.

Presenter: Sabastine Ezugwu
Research Paper: "Three-dimensional scanning near field optical microscopy imaging of random arrays of copper nanoparticles and their use for plasmonic solar cell enhancement" by Sabastine Ezugwu, Hanyang Ye, Giovanni Fanchini.

Presenter: Carolyn Cadogan
Research Paper: "The effect of annealing temperatures on the luminescence of silicon quantum dots in hydrogenated silicon nitride " by Carolyn Cadogan, Peter J. Simpson, Lyudmila V. Goncharova, Zhiqiang Wang, Tsun-Kong Sham.

Presenter: Marek Brzozowski
Research Paper: "Quenching of photoluminescence in quantum dots, metallic nanoparticles and graphene hybrid nanomaterials" by Marek Brzozowski and Mahi R. Singh.

Presenter: James Gaudet
Research Paper: "Controlling the synthesis of ion-implanted Si quantum dots in SiO2" by James Gaudet, Lyudmila V. Goncharova and Peter. J. Simpson.

Presenter: Cameron Hopkins
Research Paper: "The development of a vibrating wire rheometer" by Cameron Hopkins and John R. de Bruyn.

Presenter: Sivayini Kandeepan
Research Paper: "OMCVD gold nanoparticles covalently attached to polystyrene for bio-sensing application" by Sivayini Kandeepan, Joseph A. Paquette, Joe B. Gilroy, Silvia Mittler.

Presenter: Shankar Balakrishnan
Research Paper: "Transmission of light in metallic nano-hole array structures" by Mahi R. Singh, Mohamadreza Najiminai, Shankar Balakrishnan, Jeffrey J. L. Carson.

Presenter: Rony Sharon
Research Paper: "Development of polymer substrates for waveguide evanescent field fluorescence microscopy" by Rony Sharon and Silvia Mittler.

Presenter: Renjie Hou
Research Paper: "Second harmonic generation microscopy from non-centrosymmetric gold-coated polystyrene spheres" by Renjie Hou and Francois Lagugné-Labarthet.