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Job Opportunities in my lab
Presently, my research involves several projects in the broad area of condensed-matter and materials physics, particularly at the nanometer scale. For an overview, of current and recent projects, click here.
Skills and Techniques used in our research include:
- optical microscopy
- atomic-force microscopy
- neutron scattering
- light scattering
- digital image processing
- solidification techniques
- solidification theory and modeling
Grad students:
I presently supervise two graduate students in the Physics program, and occasionally supervise students in the Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program. In general, applicants to my research group should have some background in thermodynamics, condensed-matter physics and/or materials science. Some experience with experimental techniques including optical- and atomic-force microscopy, and electronics is also helpful, but not required. Please feel free to contact me for more information.
Physics 4999E:
My research group typically hosts one or two senior honors research thesis projects each year. Projects are usually set in September, so contact me in August to avoid the rush.
In addition, I typically have openings for one or two undergraduate researchers per year, usually during the summer semester. Students should have some knowledge of elementary thermodynamics as well as some experience with standard experimental techniques, including microscopy, electronics, and simple chemistry (or a willingness to learn). Interested students are encouraged to apply for an NSERC Undergraduate Scholarship, though I will consider all qualified students.