Welcome to my website

Dr. Shantanu Basu

Thank you for taking the time to browse my site. I am currently on leave and am the Interim Director of the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics at the University of Toronto. I am often asked about my professional interests and I hope that you can use this site to keep track of my latest research and past projects.

On these pages you will also find information about my teaching interests, publications, and media interactions. Please take a look around and if you have any questions, please contact me.

About My Research

The Busy Center of the Lagoon Nebula by Michael Shierk

Look up in the sky on a clear night and away from man-made lights and you will see one of life's great marvels. Hundreds of stars and perhaps a few bright planets as well. How did the the stars and planets in our universe come to be?

An equally amazing feature of our universe is the ability of mathematics to make some sense of it all. In our research group, we are deciphering the early stages of star formation, using the mathematical methods of physics and today's leading-edge computers.

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GRINN: A Gravity Informed Neural Network

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Supermassive Star Formation promoted by Magnetic Fields in the High-Redshift Universe

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Article in ApJ Letters with a theory for the magnetic field versus density relation in interstellar molecular clouds

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Article in ApJ Letters on supermassive black holes in the early universe See media release, article in livescience/space.com and article in wired.com.

New Book

Essential Astrophysics: Interstellar Medium to Stellar Remnants

Winter School

Winter School on Astronomy, Hyderabad, India Feb 17-21, 2020.

Trip to UAE

Read about my trip to the UAE.

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