




During the academic year 2012-2013 I am teaching the following course(s) offered by the Department of Physics & Astronomy:


v Physics 3300A – This is a senior-level undergraduate course on “Electromagnetic Theory I”. The course started in September 2012 and was completed in December 2012.


v Physics 1502B – This is a first-year undergraduate course on “Enriched Introductory Physics II”. The course starts in January 2013. Information for students is posted on the OWL Sakai web site


v Physics 3930B – This is a senior-level undergraduate-level course on “Fundamentals of Nuclear and Particle Physics”. The course starts in January 2013. Click here to go the course web site.


v In addition, I am providing graduate-level instruction to members of my research group and supervising a Final-Year undergraduate Honors project.




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