

Michael G. Cottam – Home Page


mgc1    Mike Cottam


strbul2e  Professional Appointments

I am a Professor of Physics employed in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Western Ontario. My principal research field is in the quantum theory of condensed matter systems.  Within this field, my current research projects focus on surface physics, nanomaterials science, and nonlinear processes in solids. The applications are mainly to the magnetic, optical, and electronic properties of materials on the nanometre scale. Further information is given in the section on 'Research Interests'.


My previous appointments at Western include being the Chair of the Department of Physics & Astronomy, the Director of Western University's Institute for Nanomaterials Science (WINS), and the Associate Dean (for Research) in the Faculty of Science.

strbul2e  Degrees and Professional Qualifications

B.A. (Cambridge University)

M.A. (Cambridge University)

D.Phil. (Oxford University)

strbul2e  Mailing Address and Contact Information

Department of Physics & Astronomy,

University of Western Ontario

1151 Richmond St. N.,

London, Ontario N6A 3K7,



Telephone:    (519) 661-2111, ext. 86289

Fax:                (519) 661-2033

Email:             cottam@uwo.ca

strbul2e  Office Location

Room 118, Physics and Astronomy Building.


strbul2e  Publications

I have authored or co-authored over 300 publications, including several books.


You may go to the sections on ‘Books Published’ and ‘Other Publications’ for more details. Two of my recent books are:


excitations2ed-book             polaritonsbook



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Last revised: August 2012 by Mike Cottam