As well as the books that are listed
separately, I have authored or co-authored about 300 other publications. These include articles published in journals
and conference proceedings, as well as extended review articles and book
chapters. References to my publications since January 2002 only (along with
options to view / download in some cases) are given below:
Spin wave
excitations in arrays of asymmetric ferromagnetic nanorings, by T.M. Nguyen and M.G. Cottam, in Journal of Applied Physics 103, 07C503 (2008).
Surface magnetic polaritons in ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic
cylindrical tubes, T.K. Das and M.G. Cottam, in Journal of
Applied Physics 103, 07B104 (2008).
properties of spherical ferromagnetic nanoparticles, by H.T. Nguyen and M.G. Cottam, in Journal of Applied Physics 103, 07D513 (2008).
spin waves in ferromagnetic stripes with inhomogeneous magnetization, by H.T. Nguyen, T.M.
Nguyen, and M.G. Cottam, in Physical Review B 76,
134413 (2007).
Two-magnon inelastic light scattering in the antiferromagnets CoF2 and NiF2:
Experiment and theory, by E. Meloche, M.G. Cottam, and D.J.
Lockwood, in Physical Review B 76, 104406 (2007).
Magnetostatic modes in nanometer-sized
ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic tubes, by T.K. Das and M.G. Cottam, in Surface Reviews and Letters 14, 471 (2007).
One- and two-magnon Raman scattering in the canted antiferromagnet
NiF2, by E. Meloche, M.G. Cottam, V.P. Gnezdilov, and D.J. Lockwood, in Journal of Magnetism and
Magnetic Materials 310, 1593 (2007).
Magnetostatic modes and magnetic polaritons
in ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic nanorings, by T.K. Das and M.G. Cottam,
in Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310, 2183 (2007).
Microscopic theory
of spin waves in ferromagnetic stripes and patterned films, by H.T. Nguyen, T.M.
Nguyen, and M.G. Cottam, in Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
310, 2348 (2007).
dipole-exchange spin waves in arrays of interacting ferromagnetic nanowires, by T.M. Nguyen and M.G. Cottam,
in Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310, 2433 (2007).
Spin-wave excitations in ferromagnetic nanotubes, by T.M. Nguyen and M.G. Cottam, in Surface Science 600, 4151-4154 (2006).
Spin waves in permalloy nanowires: The importance of easy-plane anisotropy, by T.M. Nguyen, M.G. Cottam, H.Y. Liu, Z.K. Wang, S.C. Ng, M.H. Kuok, D.J. Lockwood, K. Nielsch and U. Goesele, in Physical Review B 73, 140402R (2006).
Microscopic theory of spin wave excitations in ferromagnetic nanorings, by T.M. Nguyen and M.G. Cottam, in Journal of Applied Physics 99, 08J303 (2006).
Effects of a uniform external magnetic field on the magnetic properties of a pure dipolar planar system, by A.M. Abu-Labdeh, A.B. MacIsaac, J.P. Whitehead, K. DeBell and M.G. Cottam, in Physical Review B 73, 094412 (2006).
Spectral intensities and frequencies of spin waves in ferromagnetic cylinders: Application to nickel nanowires, by T.M. Nguyen and M.G. Cottam, in Physical Review B 72, 224415 (2005).
Magnetic field dependence of spin waves in ordered permalloy nanowire arrays in two dimensions, by H.Y. Liu, Z.K. Wang, H.S. Lim, S.C. Ng, M.H. Kuok, D.J. Lockwood, M.G. Cottam, K. Nielsch and U. Goesele, in Journal of Applied Physics 98, 046103 (2005).
Microscopic theory of dipole-exchange spin-wave excitations in ferromagnetic nanowires, by T.M. Nguyen and M.G. Cottam, in Physical Review B 71, 099406 (2005).
Spin waves in nickel nanorings of large aspect ratio, by Z.K. Wang, H.S. Lim, H.Y. Liu, S.C. Ng, M.H. Kuok, L.L. Tay, D.J. Lockwood, M.G. Cottam, K.L. Hobbs, P.R. Larson, J.C. Keay, G.D. Lian, and M.B. Johnson, in Physical Review Letters 94, 137208 (2005).
"Thermal properties of surface and bulk spin waves in uniaxial and nonuniaxial metamagnetic films", by E. Meloche and M.G. Cottam, in Physical Review B 70, 094423 (2004).
"Two-magnon Raman scattering in
the antiferromagnet CoF2: theory and
by E. Meloche, M.G. Cottam and D.J. Lockwood, in
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272-276, 275 (2004).
"Dipole-exchange spin waves in heterostructures
with a non-magnetic spacer",
by J.M. Pereira, R.R. Costa Filho and M.G. Cottam, in Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
272-276, 1235 (2004).
"A microscopic theory of the dipole-exchange spin waves
in ferromagnetic nanowires", by T.M. Nguyen and M.G. Cottam, in Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272-276,
1672 (2004).
"Segregation of the photosystems in
higher plant thylakoids and short- and long- term
regulation by a mesoscopic approach", by A. Borodich,
I. Rojdestvenski, M.G. Cottam.
J. Anderson and G. Oquist, in Journal of Theoretical
Biology 225, 431 (2003).
"Renormalization and damping of dipole-exchange spin waves in
ultrathin antiferromagnetic films", by J.M. Pereira and M.G. Cottam, in Physical Review B 68, 104429 (2003).
of complexity",
by I. Rojdestvenski, M.G. Cottam.
G. Oquist and N. Huner, in Physica A 320, 318 (2003).
"Theory of elementary excitations in quasiperiodic structures", by E.L. Albuquerque and M.G. Cottam, in Physics Reports 376, 225 (2003). [This is an extended review article].
"Thermal properties of surface and bulk spin waves in metamagnets FeBr2 and FeCl2", by E. Meloche and M.G. Cottam, in Physica Status Solidi (a) 196, 165 (2003).
"Interactions between dipole-exchange spin waves in ultrathin antiferromagnetic films", by J.M. Pereira and M.G. Cottam, in Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
258-259, 329 (2003).
"Theory of nonlinear guided and surface plasmon-polaritons in dielectric films", by S. Baher
and M.G. Cottam, in Surface Reviews and Letters 10,
13 (2003).
"Polaritons in hollow cylinders in
the presence of a dc magnetic field", by G.A. Farias, E.F. Nobre, R. Moretzsohn, N.S.
Almeida and M.G. Cottam, in Journal of the Optical
Society of America A 19, 2449 (2002).
"Multifractal spectra of spin waves
in Fibonacci magnetic superlattices with biquadratic exchange coupling", by C.G. Bezerra
and M.G. Cottam, in Physica
A 309, 121 (2002).
"Segregation of photosystems in
thylakoid membranes as a critical phenomenon", by I.V. Rojdestvenski,
A.G. Ivanov, M.G. Cottam,
A. Borodich, N.P.A. Huner
and G. Oquist, in Biophysics Journal 82, 1719 (2002).
"Surface and bulk spin waves in magnetic superlattices
with biquadratic exchange coupling", by C.G. Bezerra
and M.G. Cottam, in Journal of Applied Physics 91, 1
"Effects of the biquadratic exchange coupling on
the localization and scaling laws of spin waves in Fibonacci superlattices", by C.G. Bezerra and M.G. Cottam, in Physical Review B 65, 054412 (2002).
"Magnetization in quasiperiodic
magnetic multilayers with biquadratic
exchange and uniaxial anisotropy", by C.G. Bezerra
and M.G. Cottam, in Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic
Materials 240, 529 (2002).
"Spin-wave quantization in ferromagnetic nickel nanowires",
by Z.K. Wang, M.H. Kuok, S.C. Ng, D.J. Lockwood, M.G. Cottam,
K. Nielsch, R.B. Wehrspohn,
and U. Gosele, in Physical Review Letters 89, 27201
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