Books Published


*  My two most recent book publications came out at the end of 2004:-





*  Details about these, as well as for several other books that I have authored or co-authored, are given in the list below.



  "Light Scattering in Magnetic Solids", by M.G. Cottam and D.J. Lockwood (published by Wiley, New York, 1986), 248 pages.


  "Introduction to Surface and Superlattice Excitations, 1st edition", by M.G. Cottam and D.R. Tilley (published by Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1989), 329 pages.


  "Rasseyanie Sveta v Magnetikah", by M.G. Cottam and D.J. Lockwood (published by Nauka Press, Moscow, 1991), 272 pages. [This is a Russian edition, with updated sections, of the book "Light Scattering in Magnetic Solids"].


  "Linear and Nonlinear Spin Waves in Magnetic Films and Superlattices", edited by M.G. Cottam (published by World Scientific Press, Singapore, 1994), 465 pages.


  "Introduction to Surface and Superlattice Excitations, 2nd edition", by M.G. Cottam and D.R. Tilley (published by IOP Publishing, Bristol, 2004), 516 pages.


  "Polaritons in Periodic and Quasiperiodic Structures", by E.L. Albuquerque and M.G. Cottam (published by Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2004), 344 pages.



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