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Undergraduate summer research

Planetary Dynamics Group at Western

Undergraduate summer research is a great way for science students working on their degree to make some money over the summer. Summer research positions are usually 12-16 week paid jobs that run from the start of May to the end of August. They give students the opportunity to do research firsthand and learn what science is really like outside the classroom.

If you're interested in working with Prof. Wiegert's research group, you can contact him at any time to set up a short meeting to talk about the kinds of research projects currently on the go. But there are some important dates to be aware of.

First application deadline: The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) is a national funding body that provides funding to professors across Canada to help defray the costs of hiring Undergraduate Summer Research Assistants (USRAs). Students interested in the NSERC USRA program can find out more about it at the Physics and Astronomy website but a key point is that students must have a faculty member as a sponsor for their application. That is, a faculty member must agree to take the student on for a summer project if the USRA application is successful, before the student can apply for the USRA program.

Summer students interested in working in the Planetary Dynamics group usually apply for this program. However usually only one or at most two summer research students can be taken on, so unfortunately not all the USRA applications for students who inquire about doing summer research can be sponsored.

If you are interested in summer research, you should contact Prof. Wiegert with a resume and a copy of your transcript (an unofficial one grabbed from the web is fine) at least 7 days before the USRA deadline for the current year. In 2025 the USRA deadline was January 24 2025.

Within a day or two of the application deadline, successful applicants will be contacted, and the USRA application form filled out (it is short). Once the application is in, then there's a wait for the USRA results, usually out in Feb-March. If the applicants are successful in getting an NSERC USRA, then they'll be hired as summer research assistants in the group.

Second application deadline: Sometimes USRA applicants are not successful, or students don't think of applying for summer research until later in the year. There may still be opportunities to work with the PD group even if you missed the earlier deadline. Please contact Prof. Wiegert by email for information about whether there are positions still available. If you send a brief resume and unofficial transcript before the second application deadline, you'll be considered for any remaining summer research positions.

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