A Case Study of Interstellar Transport: alpha Centauri

Cole Gregg
Dept of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Western Ontario, London ON CANADA
Paul Wiegert
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Western Ontario, London ON CANADA

3 March 2025

The alpha Centauri triple star system contains a pair of stars similar to the Sun, known as alpha Centauri A and alpha Centauri B, with a small red star known as Proxima Centauri in a wide orbit around them.

Alpha Centauri is a triple star system that is one of the closest to our Solar System, only 4.3 light-years away.

In a paper accepted by the Planetary Science Journal, the possibility that material that has travelled to us from alpha Centauri by natural processes and could be currently within our Solar System is examined. An open-access version of the paper is available here at PSJ or here or Arxiv or here.

We show that, if the alpha Centauri system is ejecting material in a manner and at a rate similar to our own Solar System, there may be as many as 1 million asteroids from that system currently within the bounds of our Oort cloud, a distant boundary which represents the extreme outer limits of our planetary system. But most of these asteroids will be too far away to be seen telescopically, and there is only a very small (about 1 in a million) chance that one will venture close enough to the Sun to be picked up by our 'scopes. It is also possible that a few meteors from alpha Centauri appear in our own atmosphere every year, though they will be vastly outnumbered, by over a trillion to one, by meteors from our own Solar System, and will be difficult to pick out from that overwhelming background.

Video illustrations of our Sun and alpha Centauri within our Milky Way

If we could watch our Sun and alpha Centauri as they travelled along within our Galaxy for the last million years, what would their paths look like? These animations show us what we would see if we could watch them from a spaceship speeding along with them. Click on the illustration below to see an animation of the encounter circumstances on YouTube.

alpha Centauri passes our Solar System
The paths of our Solar System and alpha Centauri within our Milky Way galaxy. Click to watch to see a computer simulation on YouTube.

As part of this study, we have to assume that alpha Centauri is ejecting material out into the Galaxy. We have no way of measuring whether it is or not with current technology, but there are reasons to expect that it is. First and foremost, our own Solar System is ejecting material (mostly comets being gravitationally slingshotted out into the Galaxy by planets like Jupiter) and alpha Centauri is a mature system rather similar to our own in many respects.

This system is a good choice for this kind of case study for several reasons:

radiants of alpha Centauri meteors
The expected arrival directions of alpha Centauri meteors (purple region at lower right)

If we see an asteroid or meteor, how can we tell if it is from alpha Centauri? In our study we showed that these objects would have particularly high speeds and only arrive from very specific directions, which should make identifying them much easier. Meteors from alpha Centauri would arrive primarily in the southern skies arriving from direction near or south of alpha Centauri's current position on the sky.

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