Refereed Publications (ORCID 0000-0002-1914-5352)


P. Wiegert, V. Tran, C. Gregg, D. Vida, P. Brown (2025), An Upper Limit on the Interstellar Meteoroid Flux at Video Sizes from the Global Meteor Network, accepted by the Astrophysical Journal, [pdf preprint]

P. Cote and 180 co-authors incl. P. Wiegert (2025), The CASTOR mission, accepted by the Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments and Systems (JATIS). [pdf preprint]

C. Gregg and P. Wiegert (2025), A Case Study of Interstellar Material Delivery: alpha Centauri, Planetary Science Journal, 6, 56 [pdf, open-access], [pdf,arxiv]

W. Skidmore + 177 authors incl. P. Wiegert, (2024) Thirty Meter Telescope International Observatory Detailed Science Case, 3rd edition, [pdf].

T. Kareta, D. Vida, M. Micheli, N. Moskovitz, P. Wiegert, P. Brown, P. McCausland, H. Devillepoix, B. Malecic M. Prtenjak, D. Segon, B. Shafransky, D. Farnocchia, (2024) Telescope-to-Fireball Characterization of Earth Impactor 2022 WJ1, Planetary Science Journal, 5, 253. [pdf, open access]

M.-T. Hui, P. Wiegert, R. Weryk, M. Micheli, D. Tholen, S. Deen, A. Walker, R. Wainscoat (2024), 2019 UO14: A Transient Trojan of Saturn, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 975, L3. [pdf, open access].

P. Wiegert (2024), On the sensitivity of Apophis' 2029 Earth approach to small asteroid impacts, Planetary Science Journal, 5, 184. [pdf, open access] or [pdf version of the preprint]. A short feature about this paper appeared on AAS Nova.

P. Wiegert and B. Hyatt (2024), Encounter circumstances of asteroid 99942 Apophis with the catalogue of known asteroids, Planetary Science Journal, 5, 81. [pdf on arxiv] or [pdf, open access].

T. Kareta, D. Vida, P. Brown, N. Moskovitz, P. Wiegert, M. Micheli (2023), Telescope-to-Fireball Characterization of Earth Impactor 2022 WJ1, BAAS 55 (8), 510.02 [pdf version of the abstract].

D. Clark, P. Wiegert, P. Brown, D. Vida, A. Heinze, L. Denneau (2023), Pre-atmospheric detection of a meter-sized Earth impactor, Planetary Science Journal, 4, 103-121. [pdf version of the paper].

A. Egal, P. Brown, P. Wiegert, M. Campbell-Brown, D. Vida (2023), Eta Aquariid Meteor Shower 2023, Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams CBET 5259 [text version of the Telegram].

A. Egal, P. Wiegert, P. Brown, D. Vida (2023) Modelling the 2022 τ-Herculid outburst, Astrophysical Journal, 949, 96-113. [pdf version of the paper].

D. Vida, P. Brown, H. Devillepoix, P. Wiegert, D. Moser, P. Matlovic, C. Herd, P. Hill, E. Sansom, M. Towner, J. Toth, W. Cooke, D. Hladiuk (2023), Direct measurements of decimetre-sized rocky material in the Oort Cloud, Nature Astronomy, 7, 318-329. [pdf version of the paper].

C. Fox, P. Wiegert (2022), NEOSSat Observations of Three Transiting Hot Jupiters, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 516, 4684-4690. [pdf version of the paper]

A. Egal, P. Wiegert, P. Brown (2022) A proposed alternative dynamical history for 2P/Encke that explains the Taurid meteoroid complex, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 515, 2800-2821. [pdf version of the paper]

A. Egal, P. Brown, P. Wiegert, Y. Kypreos (2022) An observational synthesis of the Taurid meteor complex, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 512, 2318-2336. [pdf version of the paper]

M.-T. Hui, D. Tholen, R. Kracht, C.-K. Chang, P. Wiegert, Q.-Z. Ye, M. Mutchler (2022), The Lingering Death of Periodic Near-Sun Comet 323P/SOHO, Astron. J. 164, 1-22. [pdf version of the paper] [on arxiv]

C. Gregg, P. Wiegert (2022), A dedicated lunar Trojan asteroid survey with small ground-based telescopes, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 511, 5396-5404 [pdf version of the paper]

M.-T. Hui, P. Wiegert, D. J. Tholen, D. Fohring, (2021), The second Earth Trojan 2020 XL5, ApJ Letters, 922, L25 [pdf version of the paper]

A. Egal, P. Wiegert, P. Brown, P. Spurny, J. Borovicka, G. Valsecchi (2021) A dynamical analysis of the Taurid Complex: evidence for past orbital convergences, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 507, 2568-2591. [pdf version of the paper]

C. Fox & P. Wiegert, (2021) Exomoon Candidates from Transit Timing Variations: Eight Kepler systems with TTVs explainable by photometrically unseen exomoons, Monthy Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 501, 2378-2393. [pdf version of the paper] [free-access]

A. Egal, P. Wiegert, P. Brown, M Campbell-Brown, D. Vida (2020) Modeling the past and future activity of the Halleyid meteor showers, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 642, A120. [pdf version of the paper]

A. Egal, P. Brown, J. Rendtel, M Campbell-Brown, P. Wiegert (2020) Activity of the Eta-Aquariid and Orionid Meteor Showers, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 640, A58. [pdf version of the paper]

M. Hajdukova, V. Sterken, P. Wiegert, L. Kornos (2020) The challenge of identifiying interstellar meteors, Planetary and Space Science, 105060. [pdf version of the paper]

D. Janches, J. Bruzzone, R. Weryk, J. Hormaechea, P. Wiegert and C. Brunini (2020) Observations of an Unexpected Meteor Shower Outburst at High Ecliptic Southern Latitude and Its Potential Origin, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 895, L25. [pdf version of the paper]

P. Wiegert (2020) On the delivery of DART-ejected material from asteroid (65803) Didymos to Earth, Planetary Science Journal, 1 3. [open access] [pdf version of the paper] [NY Times article].

T. Hallatt and P. Wiegert (2020) The Dynamics of Interstellar Asteroids and Comets within the Galaxy: an Assessment of Local Candidate Source Regions for 1I/'Oumuamua and 2I/Borisov, Astronomical Journal 159: 147. [pdf version of the paper]. Related animations are here.

P. Wiegert, P. Brown, P. Pokorny, Q. Ye, K. Lenartowicz, C. Gregg, Z. Krzeminski, D. Clark (2020) Supercatastrophic disruption of asteroids in the context of SOHO comet, fireball and meteor observations, Astronomical Journal 159, 143. [pdf version of the paper].

D. Vida, P.G. Brown, M. Campbell-Brown, P. Wiegert, P.S. Gural (2019) Estimating trajectories of meteors: an observational Monte Carlo approach-II. Results, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491 (3), 3996-4011. [pdf version of the paper].

D. Vida, P.S. Gural, P.G. Brown, M. Campbell-Brown, P. Wiegert (2019) Estimating trajectories of meteors: an observational Monte Carlo approach-I. Theory, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491 (2), 2688-2705. [pdf version of the paper].

M. Hajdukova Jr, V. Sterken, P. Wiegert (2019) Interstellar Meteoroids, in Meteoroids: Sources of Meteors on Earth and Beyond, Cambridge University Press, 235-252. [pdf version of the paper].

B. Boe, R. Jedicke, K. Meech, P. Wiegert, R. Weryk, K. Chambers, L. Denneau, N. Kaiser, R. Kudritzki, E. Magnier, R. Wainscoat (2019) The orbit and size-frequency distribution of long period comets observed by Pan-STARRS1, Icarus, 333: 252-272. [pdf version of the paper].

M. Tabeshian, P. Wiegert, Q. Ye, M.-T. Hui, X. Gao, H. Tan, (2019), Asteroid (3200) Phaethon: Colors, Phase Curve, Limits on Cometary Activity, and Fragmentation, Astronomical Journal, 158: 30-41. [pdf version of the paper].

D. Clark, P. Wiegert & P. Brown, (2019), The 2019 Taurid resonant swarm: prospects for ground detection of small NEOs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 487, L35-39. [pdf version of the paper].
Related animations are here.

A. Egal, P. Wiegert, P. Brown, D. Moser, M. Campbell-Brown, A. Moorhead, S. Ehlert, N. Moticska (2019) Meteor shower modelling: Past and future Draconid outbursts, Icarus, 330: 123-141. [pdf version of the paper].

C. Fox & P. Wiegert, (2019) A New Planet in the Kepler-159 System From Transit Timing Variations, Monthy Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 482, 639-648. [pdf version of the paper]

A. Egal, P. Wiegert, P. Brown, D. Moser, A. Moorhead, W. Cooke (2018) The Draconid meteoroid stream 2018: prospects for satellite impact detection, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 866: L8 [pdf version of the paper].

Q.-Z. Ye, P. Wiegert & M.-T. Hui (2018) In Search of Recent Disruption of (3200) Phaethon: Model Implication and Hubble Space Telescope Search, Astrophysical Journal, 864, L9. [pdf version of the paper].

M. Tabeshian and P. Wiegert (2018) Applying a Particle-Only Model to the HL Tau Disk. Astrophysical Journal, 857, 3. [pdf version of the paper]

Q.-Z. Ye, P. Wiegert & M.-T. Hui (2018) Finding Long Lost Lexell's Comet: The Fate of the First Discovered Near-Earth Object, Astronomical Journal 155, 163 [pdf version of the paper]

M. Connors & P. Wiegert (2018) A retrograde object near Jupiter's orbit, Planetary & Space Science 151, 71-77. [pdf version of the paper]

A. Abedin, P. Wiegert, D. Janches, P. Pokorny, P. Brown, J. L. Hormaechea (2018) Formation and past evolution of the showers of the 96P/Machholz complex, Icarus, 300, 360-385. [pdf version of the paper]

M. Tabeshian and P. Wiegert (2017) Detection and Characterization of Extrasolar Planets through Mean-Motion Resonances. II. The Effect of the Planet's Orbital Eccentricity on Debris Disk Structures, Astrophysical Journal, 847, 24-39. [pdf version of the paper]

P. Wiegert, M. Connors, C. Veillet (2017) A retrograde co-orbital asteroid of Jupiter, Nature, 543, 687-689. [pdf version of the paper]. There was also a Nature commentary.

P. Wiegert, P. Brown, P. Pokorny, K. Lenartowicz, Z. Krzeminski (2017) Measuring the Meteoroid Environments of the Planets with Meteor Detectors on Earth, Astronomical Journal, 154, 36-44. [pdf version of the paper]

P. Wiegert & M. Galiazzo (2017) Meteorites from Phobos and Deimos at Earth? Planetary & Space Science, 142, 48-52. [pdf version of the paper]

M.-T. Hui, Q. Ye, P. Wiegert (2017) Constraints on Comet 332P/Ikeya-Murakami, Astronomical Journal, 153, 4-13. [pdf version of the paper]

A. Abedin, P. Wiegert, P. Pokorny, P. Brown (2017) The age and the probable parent body of the daytime arietid meteor shower, Icarus, 281, 417-443. [pdf version of the paper]

D. Clark, P. Spurny, P. Wiegert, P. Brown, J. Borovicka, E. Tagliaferri, and Lukas Shrbeny (2016) Impact Detections of Temporarily Captured Natural Satellites, Astronomical Journal, 151, 135-149. [pdf version of the paper]

M. Tabeshian and P. Wiegert (2016) Detection and Characterization of Extrasolar Planets through Mean-Motion Resonances. I. Simulations of Hypothetical Debris Disks, Astrophysical Journal, 818, 159-175. [pdf version of the paper]

Q. Ye, P. Brown, P. Wiegert (2016) Comet 252P/LINEAR: Born (Almost) Dead?, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 818, L29-34.[pdf version of the paper]

M. Galiazzo, P. Wiegert, S. Aljbaee (2016) Influence of Centaurs and TNOs on the main belt and its families, Astrophysics & Space Science, 361, 361-371.[pdf version of the paper]

P. Brown, P. Wiegert, D. Clark, E. Tagliaferri (2016) Orbital and Physical Characteristics of Meter-scale Impactors from Airburst Observations, Icarus, 266, 96. [pdf version of the paper]

Q. Ye, M.-T. Hui, P. Brown, M. Campbell-Brown, P. Pokorny, P. Wiegert, X. Gao (2016) When comets get old: A synthesis of comet and meteor observations of the low activity comet 209P/LINEAR, Icarus, 264, 48. [pdf version of the paper]

A. Abedin; P. Spurny, P. Wiegert, P. Pokorny, J. Borovicka, P. Brown (2015) On the age and formation mechanism of the core of the Quadrantid meteoroid stream, Icarus, 261, 100. [pdf version of the paper]

P. Hatch and P. Wiegert, (2015), On the rotation rates and axis ratios of the smallest known near-Earth asteroids - The archetypes of the Asteroid Redirect Mission targets, Planetary and Space Science, 111, 100-104. [pdf version of the paper]

P. Wiegert (2015) Meteoroid impacts onto asteroids: A competitor for Yarkovsky and YORP, Icarus, 252, 22-31. [pdf version of the paper]

Q. Ye, M.-T. Hui, R. Kracht, P. Wiegert (2014) Where are the mini-Kreutz family comets?, Astrophysical Journal, 798, 83-91 [pdf version of the paper]

P. Wiegert (2014) Hyperbolic meteors: interstellar or generated locally via the gravitational slingshot effect? Icarus, 242, 112-121. [pdf version of the paper]

M. Connors, P. Wiegert, A. Mainzer, B. Martin and C. Veillet (2014) The Discovery of Earth's Trojan Asteroid, JRASC, 108, 54-69. [pdf version of the paper]

A. Moorhead, P. Wiegert and W. Cooke (2014) The meteoroid fluence at Mars due to Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring), Icarus, 231, 13-21. [pdf version of the paper]

Q. Ye, P. Wiegert, P. Brown, M. Campbell-Brown, R. Weryk (2014) The unexpected 2012 Draconid meteor storm, MNRAS, 437, 3812-3823 [pdf version of the paper]

Q. Ye and P. Wiegert (2014) Will comet 209P/LINEAR generate the next meteor storm? MNRAS 437, 3283-3287 [pdf version of the paper]

D. Subasinghe and P. Wiegert (2014) On the Use of Meteor Camera Systems in the Detection of Kuiper Belt Objects Through Serendipitous Stellar Occultations, Earth Moon Planets, 111, 89-103. [pdf version of the paper]

J. Borovicka, P. Spurny, P. Brown, P. Wiegert, P. Kalenda, D. Clark, L. Shrbeny (2013) The trajectory, structure and origin of the Chelyabinsk asteroidal impactor, Nature, 503, 235-237 [pdf version of the paper]

R. Weryk, M. Campbell-Brown, P. Wiegert, P. Brown, Z. Krzeminski and R. Musci (2013), The Canadian Automated Meteor Observatory (CAMO): System overview, Icarus 225, 614-622. [pdf version of the paper]

T. August and P. Wiegert (2013), Color dependence in the size distribution of main belt asteroid revisited, Astronomical Journal 145, 152-159. [pdf version of the paper]

C. Jones, P. Wiegert, C. Tycner, G. Henry, R. Cyr, R. Halonen, M. Muterspaugh (2013), Using photometry to probe the circumstellar environment of delta Scorpii, AJ. 145, 142-148. [pdf version of the paper]

P. Wiegert, P. Brown, R. Weryk and D. Wong (2013), The return of the Andromedids meteor shower, Astronomical Journal 145, 70-81. [pdf version of the paper]

R. Musci, R. J. Weryk, P.Brown, M. D. Campbell-Brown and P. Wiegert (2012), An optical survey for millimeter-sized interstellar meteoroids, Astrophysical Journal. 745, 161-166. [pdf version of the paper]

A. Christou and P. Wiegert (2012), A population of main belt asteroids co-orbiting with Ceres and Vesta, Icarus, 217, 27-42. [pdf version of the paper]

S. Valluri, P. Wiegert, J. Drozd and M. DaSilva, (2012), A study of the orbits of the logarithmic potential for galaxies, MNRAS, 427, 2392-2400. [pdf version of the paper]

D. L. Clark and P. Wiegert (2011), A numerical comparison with the Ceplecha analytical meteoroid orbit determination method, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 46, 1217-1225. [pdf version of the paper]

M. Connors, P. Wiegert and C. Veillet (2011), Earth's Trojan asteroid, Nature, 475, 481-483. [pdf version of the paper] [@ Nature]. There was also a Nature commentary

P. Wiegert, P. Brown, R. Weryk and D. Wong (2011), The Daytime Craterids, a radar-detected meteor shower outburst from hyperbolic comet C/2007 W1 (Boattini), MNRAS, 414, 668-676. [pdf version of the paper]

P. Wiegert (2011), Preliminary Results on the Gravitational Slingshot Effect and the Population of Hyperbolic Meteoroids at Earth, Proceedings of the Meteoroids 2011 Conference, 106-113. [pdf version of the paper]

D. Clark & P. Wiegert (2011), Searching for Serendipitous Meteoroid Images in Sky Surveys, Proceedings of the Meteoroids 2011 Conference, 313-329. [pdf version of the paper]

T. Kasuga, D. D. Balam and P. A. Wiegert (2010), Comet 169P/NEAT(=2002 EX12): The parent body of the alpha-Capricornid meteoroid stream, Astronomical Journal, 140, 1806-1813. [pdf version of the paper]

A. M. Gilbert and P. A. Wiegert (2010), Updated results of a search for main-belt comets using the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey, Icarus, 210, 998-999. [pdf version of the paper]

P. Brown, D. K. Wong, R. J. Weryk, P. Wiegert (2010), A meteoroid stream survey using the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar: II: Identification of minor showers using a 3D wavelet transform, Icarus, 207, 66-81. [pdf version of the paper]

A. Gilbert, P. Wiegert, E. Unda-Sanzana and O. Vaduvescu (2010), Spectroscopic observations of new Oort cloud comet 2006 VZ13 and four other comets, MNRAS, 401, 2399-2405. [pdf version of the paper]

A. Gilbert and P. Wiegert, (2009), Searching for Main-Belt Comets using the Canada-France-Hawaii Legacy Survey, Icarus, 201, 714-718. [pdf version of the paper]

M. Campbell-Brown and P. Wiegert (2009), Seasonal variations in the north toroidal sporadic meteor source, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 44, 1837-1848. [pdf version of the paper]

P. Wiegert, J. Vaubaillon and M. Campbell-Brown (2009), A Dynamical Model of the Sporadic Meteoroid Complex, Icarus, 201, 295-310. [pdf version of the paper]

P. Wiegert, (2008), The Dynamics of Low-Perihelion Meteoroid Streams, Earth, Moon and Planets, 102, 15-26. [pdf version of the paper]

R. Brasser and P. Wiegert, (2008), Asteroids on Earth-like orbits and their origins, MNRAS, 386, 2031-2038. [pdf version of the paper]

P. Wiegert, M. Houde and R. Peng (2008), An Upper Limit on Gas Production from 3200 Phaethon, Icarus, 194, 843-847. [pdf version of the paper]

M. Connors, R. Stacey, P. Wiegert and R. Brasser (2008), Inner Solar System dynamical analogs of plutinos, Icarus, 194, 789-799. [pdf version of the paper]

P. Wiegert, D. Balam, A. Moss, C. Veillet, M. Connors, I. Shelton, (2007) Evidence for a colour dependence in the size-distribution of main-belt asteroids, Astronomical Journal 133, 1609-1614. [pdf version of the paper]

S. Valluri, K. Rao, P. Wiegert, F. Chishtie, (2006) A Study of the Gravitational Wave Signal from Pulsars with Orbital and Spin-down Corrections, Can. J. Phys., 84, 607-613. [pdf version of the paper]

S. Mikkola, K. Innanen, P. Wiegert, M. Connors & R. Brasser, (2006) Stability Limits for the Quasi-Satellite Orbit, Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 369, 15-24. [pdf version of the paper]

H. Levison, D. Terrell, P. Wiegert, L. Dones & M. Duncan, (2006) On the Origin of the Unusual Orbit of Comet 2/Encke, Icarus, 182, 161-168. [pdf version of the paper]

P. Wiegert and P. Brown, (2005) The Quadrantid meteoroid complex, Icarus, 179, 139-157. [pdf version of the paper]

P. Wiegert, P. Brown, J. Vaubaillon, H. Schijns, (2005) The tau Herculid meteor shower and comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3, Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 361, 638-644. [pdf version of the paper]

R. Valluri, P. Yu, G. Smith, P. Wiegert, (2005) An extension of Newton's apsidal precession theorem, Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 358, 1273-1284. [pdf version of the paper]

M. Connors, G. Stacey, R. Brasser, P. Wiegert, (2005) A survey of orbits of co-orbitals of Mars, Planetary and Space Science, 53, 617-624. [pdf version of the paper]

P. Wiegert and P. Brown, (2004) The Core of the Quadrantid Meteoroid Stream is Two Hundred Years Old, Earth, Moon and Planets, 95, 81-88. [pdf version of the paper]

R. Brasser, K. A. Innanen, M. Connors, C. Veillet, P. Wiegert, S. Mikkola and P. W. Chodas, (2004) Transient co-orbital asteroids, Icarus, 171, 102-109. [pdf version of the paper]

P. Wiegert and P. Brown, (2004) The problem of linking minor meteor showers to their parent bodies: initial considerations, Earth, Moon and Planets, 95, 19-26. [pdf version of the paper]

M. Connors, C. Veillet, R. Brasser, P. Wiegert, P. W. Chodas, S. Mikkola, and K. Innanen, (2004) Discovery of Earth's Quasi-satellite, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 39, 1251-1255. [pdf version of the paper]

S. Mikkola, R. Brasser, P. Wiegert, and K. Innanen, (2004) Asteroid 2002 VE68, a quasi-satellite of Venus, Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 351, L63-65. [pdf version of the paper]

P. Wiegert, D. McNeil, M. Duncan and H. Levison, (2004) Fast Force Algorithms and Solar System Integrations, Astronomical Journal, 127, 1218-1226. [pdf version of the paper]

R. Brasser, S. Mikkola, T.-Y. Huang, P. Wiegert, and K. Innanen, (2004) Long-term evolution of the Neptune Trojan 2001 QR322, Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 347, 833-836. [pdf version of the paper]

P. Wiegert, K. Innanen, T-Y Huang and S. Mikkola, (2003) The effect of Neptune's accretion on Pluto and the Plutinos, Astron. J, 126, 1575-1587. [pdf version of the paper]

P. Jupp, P. Kim, J-Y Koo and P. Wiegert, (2003) The Intrinsic Distribution and Selection Bias of Long-Period Cometary Orbits, J. Amer. Stat. Assoc., 98, 515-521. [pdf version of the paper]

H. Levison, A. Morbidelli, L. Dones, R. Jedicke, P. Wiegert, W. Bottke, (2002) The Mass Disruption of Oort Cloud Comets, Science, 296, 2212-2215. [pdf version of the paper][@ Science] as well as a Science [commentary]

M. Connors, P. Chodas, S. Mikkola, P. Wiegert, C. Veillet and K. Innanen, (2002) The Discovery of an Asteroid and Quasi-satellite in an Earth-like Horseshoe Orbit, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 37, 1435-1441. [pdf version of the paper]

S. Mikkola and P. Wiegert, (2002) Regularizing Time Transformations in Symplectic and Composite Integration, Cel. Mech and Dyn. Astron., 82, 375-390. [pdf version of the paper]

P. Wiegert, K. Innanen & S. Mikkola, (2000) Earth Trojan asteroids: a Study in Support of Observational Searches, Icarus, 145, 33-43. [pdf version of the paper]

P. Wiegert, K. Innanen, & S. Mikkola, (2000) The Stability of Quasi Satellites in the Outer Solar System, Astronomical Journal, 119, 1978-1984. [pdf version of the paper]

M. Holman & P. Wiegert, (1999) Long-term Stability of Planets in Binary Systems, Astronomical Journal 117, 621-628. [pdf version of the paper]

P. Wiegert & S. Tremaine, (1999) The Evolution of Long-Period Comets, Icarus, 137, 84-121. [pdf version of the paper]

K. Innanen, S. Mikkola & P. Wiegert, (1998) The Earth-Moon System and the Dynamical Stability of the Inner Solar System, Astronomical Journal, 116.2055-2057. [pdf version of the paper]

P. Wiegert and R. Garrison, (1998) A Search for Helium Spectrum Variables, Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 92, 134-144. [pdf version of the paper]

P. Wiegert, K. Innanen, & S. Mikkola, (1998) The Orbital Evolution of Near-Earth Asteroid 3753, Astronomical Journal, 115, 2604-2613. [pdf version of the paper]

P. Wiegert, K. Innanen, & S. Mikkola, (1997) An asteroidal companion to the Earth, Nature, 387, 685-686. [pdf version of the paper] [@ Nature]

P. Wiegert & M. Holman, (1997) The Stability of Planets in the Alpha Centauri System, Astron. J, 113, 1445-1450. [pdf version of the paper]