Address: Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Western Ontario, London, Ont., N6A 3K7, Canada
Ph: +1 (519) 661-3652 ................. Fax: +1 (519) 661-2033
Group Leader: Prof. W.K. Hocking

Prof. Wayne Hocking during a radar installation in Costa Rica
Research Links:
The O-QNet
Recent PostDoctoral Fellows and Research Associates:
Dr. T. Carey-Smith (now in New Zealand)
Dr. Grandhi Kishore Kumar (now in Germany)
Dr. Huixia He (now at Environment Canada)
Dr. S. Argall (now at Fanshawe College)
Dr. N. Swarnalingam (now self-employed)
Dr. A. Dehghan (now in Australia)
Recent Graduates:
Dr. T. Thayaparan, Ph. D. (now at Defence Research Establishment, Ottawa)
Dr. R. Belu, Ph. D. (moved to tenured postion at Wayne State Univerity, then on to other institutions)
Dr. N. Swarnalingam, Ph. D. (accepted Research Scientist, University of Western Ontario, currently self-employed.)
Dr. E. Campos, Ph. D. (now a Research Scientist, Argonne Labs.)
A. Dehghan, M. Sc.
Dr. A. Dehghan, Ph. D. (now in a postdoctoral position in Australia)
I. Beres, M. Sc., ( moved to Environment Canada, then on to a career in paramedics.)
Current Graduate Students:
Mohammed Osman (Ph.D., Ozone transport Studies)
Marcial Garbanzo-Salas (PhD., High resolution radar studies)
Reynold Sukara (M.Sc., Meteors and Ozone)
Melanie Wright (M.Sc., Gravity wave variability)
Past Visiting Scientists:
Dr. Richard Walterscheid, USA.
Dr. Ricardo Buriti, Brazil.
Li Chen, China
Support Personnel:
None at present
Technical Assistance:
D. Hie, P. Duenk
Past Summer and Undergraduate Students: Multiple
Photograph of the CLOVAR Windprofiler radar
Photograph of the CLOVAR radar at sunset
Photograph of the Windprofiler radar at Resolute Bay
Costa Rica Sunset - near one of our meteor radars
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